Joanna Chia-yu Lin 林珈伃

(b. 1995, Taiwan/ based in Oslo)

Joanna Chia-yu Lin’s artistic interests revolve around the delicate interplay between memories and present moments. She is drawn to the subtle nuances and tensions that arise at the intersection of these two realms. With a diverse range of mediums, such as photography, painting, textiles, and installations, she explores the space that exists between spoken words and profound silences, where memories leave their traces.  


2020  MFA, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Medium and Material Based Art, Oslo, Norway 
2018  BFA, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan 

Solo Exhibitions

2025   Pop-up Exhibition at Tenthaus, Oslo, Norway (Upcoming)
2021   It’s Not Far Away at Oslo Negativ, presented by Kunstplass, Det Gamle Biblioteket, Oslo, Norway 2020  Cut, Copy, Paste, and Duplicate, Kunstplass, Oslo, Norway
2019  Summer Vibes at Frogner Plass- One Night Only, Oslo K, Oslo, Norway
2016  Reflector, Teh-Chun Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

Group Exhibitions

2025    Untitled group exhibition of three, Fotografiens Hus, Oslo, Norway (Upcoming)
2024    Supermarket – Stockholm Independent Art Fair with Tenthaus Art Collective, Stockholm, Sweden(Upcoming)
2023    Novemberutstillingen, Drammens Museum, Drammen, Norway
2023    Oslo Negativ with Tenthaus Art Collective, Den gamle Veterinærhøgskolen, Oslo, Norway
2023    Tegnetriennalen All that lies between, Tenthaus, Oslo, Norway
2023    Kunst rett vest, Gateway Studios, Fornebu, Norway
2022    Oslo Negativ with Tenthaus Art Collective, Det Gamle Biblioteket, Oslo, Norway
2022    POLYPHONIC VISION with Tenthaus Art Collective, Store Gilhus Gård, Lier Kommune, Norway
2021    Intersension(al) - the first E.A.S.T exhibition, Northing Space, Bergen, Norway
2021    På ubestemt tid, Startblokka, Oslo, Norway

2020    Waiting, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Oslo, Norway
2019    Walk Wicked, Kunstplass, Oslo, Norway
2019    A FISH CANNOT SEE THE SEA, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Oslo, Norway
2018    I Hear Mariachi Static on My Radio, Slurpen, Oslo, Norway
2018    Bring Your Own Lampshade Somewhere There’s a Party, Torshovparken, Oslo, Norway
2018    Open Call vol.04, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway
2017    Yilan Awards: Group Exhibition of Award Winner, Sky Gallery, Yilan, Taiwan
2017    Yilan Awards: Group Exhibition of Award Winner, Cultural Affairs Bureau Exhibition Hall, Yilan, Taiwan
2017    Nailed It: Graduate Show from  NTNU Dpt. of Fine Arts, Teh-Chun Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2017    Sub-sub: Graduate Show of  NTNU Dpt. of Fine Arts, Woolloomooloo Xhibit, Taipei, Taiwan
2017    Professor Chen Yin-Huei Scholarship Exhibition, Teh-Chun Art  Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2016   Public Art Installation for 2017 Arts Festival , NTNU Campus, Taipei, Taiwan
2016   Professor Chen Yin-Huei Scholarship Exhibition, Teh-Chun Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015   Yes or No: Annual Group Exhibition from NTNU Dpt. of Fine Arts, Teh-Chun Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014   Route 65: Annual Group Exhibition from NTNU Dpt. of Fine Arts, Teh-Chun Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

Awards and Grants

2023    Norsk Fotografisk Fond, Prosjektstøtte Høst, Norway 2023    BKV, Prosjektstøtte til arbeid med kunstnerarkiv med Dag Alveng, Norway
2023    Kulturdirektoratet, NKF Prosjektstøtte visuell kunst, Norway
2022    Kulturrådet, Prosjektstøtte, Norway 2022    Oslo Kommune, Ettårig Subsidiert Arbeidslokale (2022—2023), Norway
2022    Kulturrådet, Kunstnerassistentordningen (Artist assistant grant), Norway
2021    BKV Prosjektstøtte, Norway
2020    Kulturrådet, Diverse­stipend for ny­utdannede kunstnere(Scholarship for Newly Established Artists),  Norway 

2017    Yilan Awards, Merit Award, Taiwan
2017    Bank of  Taiwan Art Awards, Judges' list Award, Taiwan
2017    Professor Chen Yin-Huei Scholarship, Honorable mention, Taiwan
2016    Professor Chen Yin-Huei Scholarship, First Place Award, Taiwan
2015    Annual Awards of Dpt. of Fine Arts, Second Place Award in Mixed Media, Taiwan
2014    Annual Awards of  Dpt. of Fine Arts, First Place Award in Drawing, Taiwan


From Far Away, Postcard Edition. Västra Götalandsregionen, Sweden. Acquired 2024.
Curtain. Kunstplass. Oslo, Norway. Acquired 2020.
Silent Observer. Art Bank Taiwan-National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Taichung, Taiwan. Acquired 2018.
Interference. Art Bank Taiwan-National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Taichung, Taiwan. Acquired 2018. 

Curatorial Practice

2024    Daddy’s Dinner at 413BETA, Seoul, South Korea
2023    MOMENTUM 12, with Tenthaus Art Collective, Moss, Norway 


2022    Documenta 15, Workshop and hangout session, with Tenthaus Art Collective, invited by Indonesian collective Gudskul.

2023    Tegnetriennalen, on NUMER megazine, Kollektive Loggføringer by Nina M. Schjønsby 2021    I fotohjørnet: An interview with Oslo Negativ
2021    VISP Artist of the month (May)


2020    I don’t have a clue how to become an internet-based ceramicist, publication from MFA in Medium and Material-based Art, and MFA in Art and Public Space.

Membership & Collective

2022- present    Tenthaus Art Collective, Oslo, Norway
2021- present    LNM(Landsforeningen Norske Malere)/ NBK (Norske Billedkunstnere)

Relevant Work Experience

2022- present    Project Coordinator, Tenthaus, Oslo, Norway
2020- present    Artist Assistant, Dag Alveng, Oslo, Norway
2020- present    Artist Assistant, Callum Innes, Oslo, Norway
2019- present    Production Assistant, Kunstplass, Oslo, Norway


(生於1995年,嘉義,台灣。工作與生活於奧斯陸,挪威。 )



2020   MFA,藝術與工藝學院,材質藝術創作研究所,奧斯陸國立藝術學院,奧斯陸,挪威 。
2018    BFA,美術學系西畫組,國立台灣師範大學,台北,台灣 。


2025    Solo Exhibition at Tenthaus, 奧斯陸, 挪威。 (Upcoming)

2021    It’s Not Far Away at Oslo Negativ,presented by Kunstplass, Det Gamle Biblioteket,奧斯陸,挪威。

2020    Cut, Copy, Paste, and Duplicate,Kunstplass,奧斯陸,挪威。
2019    Summer vibes at Frogner Plass- One Night Only,Oslo K,奧斯陸,挪威。
2016    鏡子,師大德群藝廊D廳,台灣,台北。


2025 三人聯展, Fotografiens Hus 攝影之家, 奧斯陸,挪威。 (Upcoming)
2024 瑞典 Supermarket 獨立藝術博覽會, 斯德哥爾摩,瑞典。
2023 Novemberutstillingen, Drammens Museum 德拉門博物館, 德拉門,挪威。
2023 Tegnetriennalen: All that lies between 繪畫三年展, Tenthaus, 奧斯陸,挪威。
2022 Oslo Negativ 奧斯陸攝影博覽會 with Tenthaus Art Collective, Det Gamle Biblioteket, 奧斯陸,挪威。
2022 POLYPHONIC VISION, Gilhus Gård, 利耶爾,挪威。
2021    Intersension(al) - the first E.A.S.T exhibition, Northing Space,卑爾根,挪威。
2021    På ubestemt tid, Startblokka,奧斯陸,挪威 。

2020    Waiting,奧斯陸藝術學院,奧斯陸,挪威 。
2019    Walk Wicked,Kunstplass,奧斯陸,挪威 。
2019    A FISH CANNOT SEE THE SEA,奧斯陸藝術學院,奧斯陸,挪威
2018    I Hear Mariachi Static on My Radio, Slurpen,奧斯陸,挪威
2018    Bring Your Own Lampshade Somewhere There’s a Party,Torshovparken,奧斯陸,挪威
2018    Open Call vol.04,Galleri Seilduken,奧斯陸,挪威
2018    Everyday ART 學生藝術商店,台中,台灣
2017    宜蘭獎得獎作品展,羅東文化工場–天空藝廊,宜蘭,台灣。
2017    宜蘭獎得獎作品展,宜蘭縣政府文化局第一、二、三展覽室,宜蘭,台灣。
2017    掛好了! 國立臺灣師範大學美術系106級畢業展,師大德群藝廊,台北,台灣。
2017    臺師大美術系106級西畫組校外畢業展《Sub-sub》,Woolloomooloo Xhibit,台北,台灣。
2017    林玉山、陳銀輝、劉國松、廖修平、呂章申教授獎學金獲獎學生作品展,師大德群藝廊,台北,台灣。
2016    台師大校慶70裝置展,臺灣師範大學校園,台北,台灣。
2016    林玉山、陳銀輝、劉國松、廖修平、呂章申教授獎學金獲獎學生作品展,師大德群藝廊,台北,台灣。
2015    台師大美術系第66屆系展《是不是》,師大德群藝廊,台北,台灣。
2014    台師大美術系第65屆系展《65號公鹿》,師大德群藝廊,台北,台灣。


2023    Prosjektstøtte 計畫補助,Norsk Fotografisk Fond 挪威攝影基金, 挪威。
2023    Prosjektstøtte 計畫補助, Kulturdirektoratet 挪威文化部, 挪威。
2022    Prosjektstøtte 計畫補助計畫補助, Kulturrådet 挪威文化部, 挪威。
2022    Oslo Kommune, Ettårig Subsidiert Arbeidslokale (2022—2023) 藝術家工作室補助,  奧斯陸市政府, 挪威。
2021    Prosjektstøtte 計畫補助, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond,挪威。
2020    Diversestipend for nyutdannede kunstnere, 新晉藝術家獎學金, Kulturrådet 挪威文化部,挪威。
2017 《沈默的觀察者》,宜蘭獎,不分類,優選,宜蘭,台灣。
2017 《訊號》,2017臺灣銀行藝術祭-繪畫季,不分類,入選,台北,台灣。
2017 《撿拾,交錯線上碎裂》系列,陳銀輝教授油畫創作獎學金,佳作,台北,台灣。
2016 《弱影像 一》,陳銀輝教授油畫創作獎學金,首獎,台北,台灣。
2015 《無題》,第 66 屆美術系系展《是不是》 複合媒材類 第二名,台北,台灣。
2014 《Enormous》,第 65 屆美術系系展《65 號公鹿》,素描類,第一名,台北,台灣。


2024     From Far Away, Postcard edition 西約塔蘭省公共收藏, 瑞典。

2020     Curtain,Kunstplass,奧斯陸,挪威。
2018 《沈默的觀察者》,藝術銀行—國立臺灣美術館,台中,台灣。
2018 《訊號》,藝術銀行—國立臺灣美術館,台中,台灣。


2023    Tegnetriennalen 繪畫三年展 , NUMER 雜誌, Kollektive Loggføringer by Nina M. Schjønsby  

2021   I fotohjørnet: An interview with Oslo Negativ
2021   VISP Artist of the month (May)


2020    I don’t have a clue how to become an internet-based ceramicist, publication from MFA in Medium and Material-based Art, and MFA in Art and Public Space.


2022- 至今 Tenthaus Art Collective 藝術團體,奧斯陸,挪威。
2021- 至今  LNM(Landsforeningen Norske Malere)挪威畫家協會,挪威。 / NBK (Norske Billedkunstnere) 挪威視覺藝術家協會,挪威。