Part of From Far Away (Ongoing)

From Far Away, Postcard Edition
2023/ 2024
Acrylic medium, inkjet print pigment, magnets, and customized acrylic frames
10.5 x 14.8 cm each
(11.1 x 15.6 x 1.4 cm with frame)
9 pieces in total

This series explores relocation, shifting values, and evolving relationships between objects and memories. Initiated from photos during my return to Taiwan after 3.5 years away, it reflects observations as a "foreign" family member 8000 km apart.

The project takes two forms: life-size photographic sculptures and a series of nine works produced in postcard size. During a period of family incidents and sickness, I returned to Taiwan once again, bringing along these newly created works. I incorporated daily scenes from my home in Norway and shared them with family members, as if I were a carrier of memories, bringing an imagined scenery and seeking the possibility of exchange. This experience reflects my life in both places and how I navigate the emotions of being an in-betweener from afar.

All works are crafted using a self-developed image transfer technique that closely combines painting and photography. Each piece is unique, layered with time and memory.

* This work was exhibited with Tenthaus art collective at Supermarket Artfair, Stockholm, Sweden.

*This work is acquired by the art collection of Västra Götalandsregionen, Sweden, in 2024.